  • 期刊


Chinese-English Interpreter Training Procedure and Text Exercise Sample Designs




視譯 逐步口譯 同步口譯 口譯訓練 EVS


This paper is divided into five parts. The first part explains three types of interpretation training, which are sight interpreting, consecutive interpreting, and simultaneous interpreting. This part also talks about current status of qualification and professional examinations held by the interpretation programs in Taiwan's GITI. The second part gives some details of the five basic tasks of interpreting exercises. They are transcription and retention exercise, reading-aloud exercise, reformulation and gist exercise, impromptu exercise, and shadowing exercise. The third part points out that the most important skill of Chinese-English interpretation lies in ”linear interpretation,” the logic between it and error repairs being in focus. In the meantime, it discusses the role macro-processing plays in limited-time CI and SI interpreting process. Bringing in the titular concern and counter to general practices, the fourth part proposes that beginning trainees should proceed with their training by making use of text exercise sample designs so they wouldn't have to rely too heavily on real conference situations. The last part lists a few basic assessment criteria in interpretation examinations, including voice, stage performance, language use, interpreting techniques, terminology, and accuracy, but points out that a grading sheet using all these items seems energy-and time-consuming. A more practical method is to have enough number of judges making use of a calibrated five-point chart to grade the examinees.


Hu, J. Y. (2014). 美國人用「跟述」學習中文之研究 [master's thesis, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00605
