  • 期刊

Globalization and Higher Education in Greater China: Trends and Challenges



1980年代以降,全球政治、經濟、學術皆經劇烈變動,其中對人類生活衝擊最爲鉅大的,莫過於「全球化」浪潮。然而,全球化以科技發展爲前提,結合當前的國際情勢,演變成政經強國宰制弱小國家的「意識形態」,進而威脅了各地傳統文化的生存與延續。因此,如何保留文化意識,並促進文明問的對話,乃是高等教育機構刻不容緩的工作。 然而,自十九世紀末葉以降,海峽兩岸的大學在「實用主義」的指導之下發展,如創立於1928年的台北帝國大學是日本帝國進軍東南亞的學術基地;大陸的高等學府如北洋大學(創立於1895年)、京師大學堂(創立於1898年)等,更是因應「富國強兵」的口號而生。在這種歷史背景與氛圍之中,現代華人知識份子早已和傳統文化漸行漸遠,而科技發展和學術主體性之間,個人利益與社會福祉之間,鴻溝亦日益加深。 「全球化」與科技宰制,乃是國際普遍存在的問題。但在近百年來華人社會的歷史脈絡中,傳統與現代價值之間有其特殊的張力存在。本文針對上述問題進行分析,並提出華人地區高等教育應加強與傳統文化接軌並彰顯大學的社會良心,以癒合「全球化」發展爲華人地區高等教育帶來的傷痕。


全球化 大中華 高等教育


Since the 1980's, the world has seen drastic changes in many a fields such as politics, economics, academics, and so forth. Among them surges the tide of ”globalization,” which exerts a profound impact on human lives. However, the trend of globalization rises on the premise of technological development. Since such development is all too often in the grip of the powerful countries, the so called globalization turns out to be an capitalist tool which enhances the dominance of the strong over the weak, and poses threats to local cultures of the latter. Therefore, it comes to be the responsibility of the higher education to reserve the cultural consciousness and even promote the dialogues among civilizations. Nonetheless, since the end of the 19(superscript th) century, institutions of higher education of both sides of Taiwan Strait have been developed out of ”pragmatism.” For example, Tahoku (Taipei) Imperial University (1928) as a study center was taken to be the springboard for Imperial Japan's invasion into Southeast Asia; even earlier, Peiyang University (1895) and Peking University (1898) in Mainland China were established for building a powerful modern country. Under the circumstances, modern Chinese intellectuals have been sent far away from their traditional culture, and the gaps between technological development and academic subjectivity, between personal profit and social welfare, have been wider and wider during the course of last century. Admittedly, both ”globalization” and ”technological dominance” are international issues, but there are tensions between traditional and modern values specific to Chinese societies being observed. This article discusses the phenomena aforementioned, and proposes that higher education should serve to rehabilitate traditional culture as well as to kindle social conscience, for the wound caused by the trend of globalization to be sutured.


globalization Greater China higher education
