

In the current technological environment with huge innovation taking place, a new comprehensive learning method is essential for students to support the rapid development phase and improvise the existing method. Social Network Sites (SNSs). Primarily Facebook, is widely known for its socializing aspects. However, its ability as a learning tool in an innovative and modernized approach is not widely known. This study reviews the possibilities of SNSs taking up the role of an educational tool and concurrently evaluates this approach to promote students' citizenship via 3 different aspects, namely improving collaborative environment among students’, enhanced learning approach and active peer engagement and effective socializing among students’. On the other hand, the disadvantage that is packaged with this method had also been discussed. However, by critically reviewing the literature, the advantages of SNSs based learning prevail its disadvantages with carefully implementing a set of solutions as proposed in this study. Ultimately, with the right approach, SNSs will be a solid educational tool when integrated into the academic world.
