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Create the Image of Qin Hui (秦檜): The Making of the Image of Qin Hui in the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties




秦檜 形象製作 畫像 孔廟 象徵意義


Qin Hui is a controversial figure in Song Dynasty history, He is suspected of murdering a famous general Yue Fei (岳飛). And insist on the peace concept of humiliation. Making it alive and being discussed by people. Song Gaozong fully trusted Qin Hui and repeatedly emphasized to rebuild world order with Qin Hui. Gaozong specially inscribed the portrait of Qin Hui. Make a stone tablet together and place it in Taixue. No one in the Song Dynasty dare to deny these two cultural relics. Since the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, cultural relics have been damaged, Wu Na (吳訥) destroyed the cultural relics of Qin Hui, On the Making and Changes of the Image of Qin Hui, Inscribed on the back of the stele is the text of his sin. Unknown historical facts, to exploring the truth of history. After studying the image of Qin Hui before and after his death. We know that the concepts of "being alive and behind", "loyalty and traitor", and "public and private" in traditional society have great exemplary significance.


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