  • 期刊


Dawn of the Western Sinology-Chinese Study of the Early Jesuits




This article is aimed to trace the origin and development of modern Western Sinology. History of Western Sinology since the sixteenth century to a certain extent, reflects the history of Chinese and Western cultures exchange after the great geographical discovery. During the period of ”Western Learning” and ”west learn from east,” the first batch of cultural communicators are Catholic missionaries. Familiar with the language and classical Chinese works, the Jesuits not only in the seventeenth century entered into China, but also caused a critical impact on the cultural exchange. On the one hand the Western technology and civilization were brought into the ancient China, on the other hand, through the writings and translations, the Chinese academia was spread to the West. This led to the rise of Western Sinology in the seventeenth century. From the perspective of cultural exchange and with qualitative research methods, this study is going to analyze and interpret related historical documents in order to clarify the relationship between the dawn of Western Sinology and the missionaries' Chinese learning and research. The article is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction. The second chapter describes the historical background when the Catholic missionaries came to the East. There were two main reasons for the East expansion, one for the opening of the East India route, and two for Continental religious reform movement. Chapter Three summarizes Westerners knowledge of Chinese characters in the sixteenth century and tries to explore Chinese language learning process and the learning outcomes of early Jesuits, mainly Ruggieri and Matteo Ricci's Chinese learning as an example. The two men are earliest missionary Jesuits who learned Chinese in order to enter the mainland China. The fourth chapter discusses the research and its impact that Ruggieri and Matteo Ricci's made to Western Sinology. The fifth chapter is the conclusion.


〔法〕裴化行 (1936) 。天主教十六世紀在華傳教志。蕭濬華譯。上海商務印書館。
