  • 期刊


Effectiveness of On-line Teaching to Nursing College Students-A Process Writing Approach


本研究探討「過程導向式教學法」應用於臺灣南部某科技大學護理系學生英文寫作教學成效。目標在評估該教學法對英文寫作能力提升成效與學生對該課程的滿意程度。採單組實驗法不設置對照組,參與者為44位年齡在21-25的二技一年級學生、4位助教及1位英語教師。教學介入策略有:線上寫作練習、多次修改、同儕回饋、教師/助教間接/直接回饋等進行五篇練習。收集方法為寫作能力測驗、寫作練習成就測驗和課程滿意度問卷,所收集資料以重複量測多變量統計分析(Repeated Measures MANOVA)。結果顯示學生的前、中、後測的寫作能力都達顯著提升,且五次練習的寫作表現也都明顯進步;而學生對於課程大致上感到滿意。文末對大專護理學生英語寫作教學提供建議。


This study explores the effectiveness of the "process writing approach" applied to an English course designed for nursing students from a science and technology university in southern Taiwan. The two goals are to evaluate the efficacy of this approach in improving the learners' writing outcomes and to investigate their satisfaction level. In this one-group pretest-midtest-posttest experimental study, participants included 44 first-year students of the two-year nursing college, 4 teaching assistants (TAs), and a language teacher. The nursing students practiced 5 writing tasks guided by five teaching strategies: online writing platform, multiple revisions, peer review activities, and blended mode of teacher's/TAs' indirect and direct feedback. Data were collected by writing competence scales and a course satisfaction questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed through Repeated Measures MANOVA. Results showed that the students' writing abilities in between the pre, middle and post-tests were significantly improved, and the performance of the five exercises had also improved significantly. The nursing students were generally satisfied with the course. Teaching implications were then suggested.


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