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Mucinous Expression in Normal Mucosa and Adenocarcinoma of Endocervix and Endometrium



Alcian blue(pH=2.5)染色及PAS染色可用來鑑別原發性子宮頸腺癌及轉移到子宮頸的子宮內膜腺癌,子宮頸腺癌含有大量的細胞內酸性黏液(Alcian blue呈陽性)及中性黏液(PAS呈陽性),這些黏液可以是瀰漫或是顆粒空泡狀呈現在細胞質內,而子宮內膜腺癌的細胞質內卻缺少這些黏液的呈現,它們只呈現在腺體管腔的頂部。本文利用此一化學染色特徵,將正常子宮內膜與內頸及子宮內膜腺癌與內頸腺癌的黏液做一比較分析。


The Alcian blue stain (pH = 2.5) and the PAS (periodic acid-Schiff) stain are useful adjuncts in differentiating primary adenocarinoma of the cervix from metastatic adenocarcinoma of uterine endometrium. The former cancer type contatins variable amounts of intracellular Alcian blue positive acid mucin and PAS positive neutral mucin which may be diffuse or granular vacuole cytoplasmic pattern whithin the neoplastic growth, whereas the later usually lacks mucin within the cytoplasmic substance. The endometrial is stained only at the cell margin or facing the lumen (luminal border). In this article, cervical and endometrial adenocarcinomas were studied by histochemical staining techniques,and all data were compared with those of the controls.
