  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Effect of Recreational Scuba Divers' Sensation Seeking to Happiness: Leisure Experience as a moderater




In recent years, more and more people have paid attention to sport and leisure lifestyle for gaining health. Thus, the population of taking outdoor activities is increasing continuously. Taiwan is an island country with full natural resource of sea. It has the advantage in developing the diving activity. This research aims to study the relationship about the sensation seeking and recreation experience to the happiness of scuba divers with different backgrounds. The results of this research revealed: The relationship between sensation seeking and happiness is partially mediated by recreational experience. According to the findings, the study proposes management unit: First, do the different prices on package tours for many industries in order to meet the different needs of divers. Second, with a recreation of the longer time to adapt and learn process skills also have to reduce tension of the leadership or the rest of the divers, recreational experience and the feeling of happiness will also increase. Finally, sensation seeking through the recreation experience, divers can enhance the feeling of happiness.
