  • 期刊


History of Translation and Reception of the Chinese Folk Opera Pu Kang in the 19th Century




Xiqu is an important category of and within traditional Chinese art. The translation and influence of Chinese xiqu abroad is also one of the most heated topics in recent studies of Chinese drama. In their study of the translation and dissemination of traditional operas, most scholars generally focus on influential, orthodox dramas, and tend to overlook the fact that many short folk operas that were circulated among the Chinese people also have unique artistic and cultural qualities, which aroused much interest on the part of Western readers in the early stages of the exchange between Chinese and Western operas. This paper takes the short Chinese folk opera Pu Kang as a case study. Based on historical records and archival research, the paper examines the history of the English translation of Pu Kang, explaining its initial positioning and reception, as well as its influence in the English-speaking world in the 19th century.


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