  • 期刊

Result of the Survey Non-Communicable Disease Prevention


Background: Mongolia is one of the most influenced countries by non-communicable diseases among developing countries. Non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cancers, respiratory diseases, diabetes, and injuries have become the major causes of morbidity and mortality in Mongolia. Goal: To assess the prevention of non-communicable diseases from a health professional's standpoint and to aid it's further development. Methods: We conducted 17 focus group discussions (FGD) from March to April 2013 in primary and secondary health care settings, of which six in urban and eleven in rural areas. We identified themes concerning the current situation of NCD related health services from the perspective of health professionals, and insights into institutional and professional experiences related to management, implementation and coordination of the newly implemented MCA-Mongolia NCD prevention and control project. Results: As a result of the health project, NCD related knowledge and skills of health professionals have improved through progressive training, and development of guidelines and manuals. During the project, availability of equipment supplies has improved. Accordingly, medical equipment and laboratory reagents needed for early detection of NCDs were provided to primary and secondary health care settings, despite some challenges in the implementation of the project. As result of the project implementation, increased public awareness on NCDs, and attitude change were considered as the biggest changes. Conclusion: The health project was considered as successful to provide knowledge on the best practice in NCD prevention.
