  • 期刊


A Study of Site and Space Mapping of Richard Serra's Sculptures


美國後低限暨鋼鐵雕刻家理察.塞拉(Richard Serra),有著長達四十年豐富的創作歷程。他的作品承繼抽象藝術、低限主義的形式,並結合個人文學養成背景,進行鋼鐵雕塑。塞拉於1967 年提出《動詞列表》(Verb List)後,陸續在七○年代發表《潑灑》(Splash)、《倚靠》(Prop)、八○年代《立起》(Elevation),以及九○年代至今的《弧體雕塑》(Arc)等不同階段性創作。並以藝術介入社會場域,進行批判思考。作品不雕、不塑、不焊,為當代雕塑的前驅。塞拉於後低限主義藝術發展時期,發展出一系列以人的身體感知為主的雕塑作品。早年從本體論思維出發,結合語言與觀念的辨證,賦予作品形上學的思維,運用重工業鋼鐵材質,以造形結構替代傳統手操作勞動,去除指涉性主題或紀念碑性質。晚近回歸藝術作品本質,聚焦於作品當中的時間與空間探討。本文以「場域」建構為書寫重點,指出塞拉作品空間中的視域感知。以三個子題進行分析:「場域意識的擴延」、「相對視域的建立」、「空間定位的地表精神」。塞拉藉由都會與鄉村的場所氛圍、有機的地表變化與枯澀工業材質對比、室內室外空間範疇,探究作品在場域之中凸顯出時間與空間生成的關聯。塞拉以觀念整合鋼鐵材質構作,凸顯身體介於空間存在實感,以及場域的地表精神。


場域 視域 定位 時間 空間


American Post-Minimalism artist and steel sculptor, Richard Serra has had 40 years of experience. His works were undertaken the influence of Abstract Sculpture and Minimalism in conjunction with his personal literature background. After proposed Verb List in 1967, Serra continually published various stages of work, such as Splash, Prop, Elevate, and Arc. Serra was the pioneer of contemporary sculpture as he interfered art with social sites for critical thinking. During the development of Post- Minimalism, Serra created a series of works based on the perception of human body. His early years were influenced by ontology, combining linguistic and philosophical thinking. Serra used steel in his works, integrating form structures to replace traditional hand-made labor work and to remove referential themes. In his later years, Serra returned to the essence of his works to focus on the exploration of time and space.This article focuses on ”site” to pinpoint the visual perception in Serra's works by using three topics. There are: 1) expansion of site awareness, 2) establishment of visual perception, and 3) spirit of spatial orientation. Serra explored the interrelation between space and time created through his works in particular sites by examining urban and rural atmospheres, the contract between organic ground change and dull industrial materials, and indoor and outdoor spaces. Serra created his works by integrated iron and steel materials; he aimed to highlight the existence of body in the space and the spirit associated with the particular site.


site visual perception mapping time spatial orientation
