  • 期刊


The Study of Brand Cognition of Sun-Moon-Lake-The Example of Mainland China Tourists


發展品牌是因應全球化競爭,強化觀光競爭力的重要利器之一。建立品牌的第一步則須從認識與了解旅客的品牌認知著手。大陸旅客目前構成台灣最主要的旅客來源,日月潭是陸客來台必遊之地,陸客亦是本區最主要的旅客來源,而到目前為止,在日月潭地區雖有大量有關旅遊意象的研究,但尚無有關品牌認知的研究。本研究最主要貢獻,乃在為日月潭的經營管理提出品牌的觀點,並透過了解大陸旅客對日月潭的品牌認知,提出品牌定位與擬定行銷策略的建議。問卷以便利抽樣方式於日月潭進行實地發放,回收有效問卷410份,以SPSS 12.0進行統計分析。研究結果,赴日月潭旅遊的大陸遊客以中年人為主要客群,多為初次到訪,普遍認為日月潭的品牌知名度相當高,但對其品牌形象的認知則相當低落,品牌個性認知的量測亦顯現其內部一致性並不高。此結果說明日月潭在知名度及旅遊服務的整體表現上皆受到大陸旅客肯定;但從象徵性形象的低落以及品牌個性產生量測困難的結果推斷,日月潭並未在遊客心中建立起具特色的風格與形象,也未有效將品牌個性的概念傳達給大陸遊客。建議管理當局應就日月潭所俱備的品牌特質進行策略性的規劃,並且透過行銷活動進行品牌概念的傳達與推廣,以達到品牌行銷日月潭的目標。


Developing brand strategy is one of the most important ways to enhance tourism competition. First step for building brand is to recognize and understand tourists' brand cognition. Tourists from mainland China compose the most important resource of Taiwan's inbound visitors. Sun-moon-lake is the must-visit destination for tourists from mainland China who compose the largest part of visitor resource of this area as well. So far, there are lots of researches about destination image of Sun-moon-lake; however, there is still no research about brand cognition yet.Investigation has been carried out to gain knowledge of brand cognition of tourists from mainland China for the suggestions about brand position and marketing strategy. A convenient sampling was conducted for collecting questionnaire at research site. 410 copies were valid among the returned and analyzed by employing SPSS12.0. The result appears that middle-aged, first-visitors compose the majority of mainland China tourists. They are generally agreed with the high awareness of Sun-moon-lake, but disagreed with its symbolic brand image. Reliability test of brand personality appears the low internal consistence of the measurement. It concludes that visitors recognize Sun-moon-lake's high awareness and good hospitality positively, but they have no idea about Sun-moon-lake's specific personality which should be conveyed by the authority. On the other hand, visitors don't experience the characteristic style and image of Sun-moon-lake. It is suggested that the authority should develop a brand strategy to convey and promote Sun-moon-lake's brand concept through diverse marketing activity for the purpose of branding Sun-moon-lake.


交通部觀光局(2011)。全新品牌從「心」出發。上網日期:2011 年2 月11 日。網址:http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/news/news_d.aspx?no=249&d=2834&tag=2。
交通部觀光局(2012a)。觀光統計圖表。上網日期:2012 年4 月8 日。網址:http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/public/public.aspx?no=315。
交通部觀光局(2012b)。中華民國99 年來臺旅客消費及動向調查。上網日期:2012年4 月8 日。網址:http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/statistics/market.aspx?no=133。
