  • 期刊


Research on the Relationship among Environmental Perception,Tourist Value and Behavioral Intention after Visiting Tourism Factories-A Discussion on the Moderating Effect of Brand Identity


由於時代及產業結構的變遷,傳統工廠逐漸走向沒落,國人對於休閒體驗的需求亦明顯提升,期望能有增進知識的「知性之旅」或「體驗行程」。經濟部工業局為回應時代潮流之需求,提出觀光工廠的創新經營,期許以製造業兼營觀光服務模式開啟產業變革的新思維,以整合具有地方文化、產業文化的特色,凝聚成觀光休閒之「附加價值」,同時,也讓許多傳統產業開創出工業觀光的新資源。本研究透過Next to Pass的取樣方法,應用線性結構方程式,驗證遊客的環境知覺、遊客價值及遊後行為意圖之關係,並探討品牌認同作為遊客價值與遊後行為意圖之中介效果。研究結果顯示,環境知覺對遊客價值具有顯著正向影響;遊客價值對品牌認同具有顯著正向影響。遊客價值對於遊後行為意圖無顯著影響關係,但可以透過品牌認同之中介效果影響遊後行為意圖。說明了,當遊客被觀光工廠的周遭環境影響程度越高其所帶來價值就越大;而遊客價值越高也越能帶來遊客對於品牌的認同感但卻未能直接影響遊客之遊後行為,也說明了品牌認同對於遊後行為之意圖具有中介效果。


Due to the change of industrial structure over time, the traditional factories have gradually declined. The demand for leisure experience has grown significantly, particularly "intellectual tourism" and "experience tourism". In response to the trend of time, the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, has proposed the innovative operation of tourism factories as the new thinking of industrial reform that combines manufacturing industry and tourism industry. By integrating the local culture and industrial culture to create "added values" of leisure tourism, many traditional industries have explored new resources of industrial tourism. This study applied the sampling method of Next to Pass and the linear structural equation, in order to validate the relationship among tourists' environmental perception, tourist value, and behavioral intention. Moreover, it discussed the moderating effect of brand identity on tourist value and behavioral intention. The results showed that environmental perception has a significantly positive influence on the tourist value, and the tourist value has a significantly positive influence on the brand identity. The tourist value has no significant influence on the behavioral intention, but influences the behavioral intention through the moderating effect of the brand identity. This suggests that when the tourists are more influenced by the surrounding environment of the tourism factory, they would bring more value to the tourism factory. A higher tourist value allows the tourists to identify the brand more strongly, but it does not directly influence the behavioral intention of the tourists. This suggests that the brand identity has a moderating effect on the behavioral intention.




