  • 學位論文


The reuse space of the traditional industry tourist factory A case study of sanyi ya xiang bao

指導教授 : 魏主榮


「觀光工廠」,一個結合產業文化化的體驗經濟創意生活產業,休閒觀光市場的需求大增,加上傳統產業的沒落及外遷等困素,致使傳統產業必須藉由轉型謀求生存之道,所以傳統產業結合觀光已成為近年來的趨勢,以傳統工廠為主體結合觀光休憩的元素行程,成為主要創意生活產業的趨勢。本研究藉由「三義丫箱寶」的現況探討,在廠域空間用創新設計的概念,如何在最小變動下,得到廠域空間最佳再利用的效益。本研究欲探討並期許達成之研究目的如下: 一、 探討體驗經濟之創意生活產業、產業文化化-觀光工廠以及相關案例之體驗 經濟模式。 二、探究三義ㄚ箱寶目前的經營模式及現有廠域空間廠區之關聯性。 三、研擬對現有的廠區提出不一樣的設計架構,加強在空間的美感設計,與 週遭環境對話的基礎,廠域視覺景觀的改造,供旅客有互動的體驗場所, 輔以其他現有基礎的提昇,創造出與環境鏈結的空間,達到轉型的目的。 四、設計實務操作,依據建議找出最適合的改善規劃策略,能提供三義ㄚ箱 寶在未來的廠區空間改善計劃中加以運用參考。 本研究先就體驗經濟之創意生活產業及產業文化化-觀光工廠之文獻回顧,得知觀光工廠對產業的影響,並收集觀光工廠規劃概要等資料,做為廠域空間改善的基礎,除此之外,篩選國內外觀光工廠案例進行案例分析,將其優劣點加以絛列,提供給本研究再創新設計再利用之觀點。在本研究過程中反覆與園方討論觀念,做為廠區空間的改善走向,朝向整體創新設計再利用能以簡潔,動線流暢與新舊融合為主要考量,期許「三義丫箱寶」能透過改變加速申請「觀光工廠」認證的腳步。


The concept of a “Tourist Factory” is one that combines a cultural experience with more traditional industry methods to form a new creative industry. As the market for tourism increases and traditional businesses start to decline, they must look to new methods to make a living. In recent years, this has pushed many traditional businesses to seek out this new industry method of combining culture with the traditional industry; using the traditional factory as the main attraction to create a more tourism focused experience. This research aims to explore how to minimize the impact on the traditional factory while looking to convert as much space as possible through the case study of the Sanyi Treasure. This research aims and hopes to achieve the following: 1、Explore and analyze the new creative industry, “Tourist Factory” and related case studies. 2、Investigate the operation of the Sanyi Treasure and discuss the usage of the current factory space 3、Study and propose a new method of converting the factory with a focus on the design of the space as well as the balance between the factory and its environment. Additionally, this research hopes to achieve the goal of a proper conversion by creating a visually pleasing factory remodeling, creating an interactive space as well as upgrade other fundamental aspects of the current space to achieve a connection between the space and environment. 4、Develop a method of operation using previous points to give suggestions to Sanyi Treasures on points to improve upon and hopefully take action on in the future. This research aims to begin by analyzing previous documentation of said conversion to understand the impact on the traditional industry as well as collect information to create the fundamentals needed for a conversion. Additionally, this research aims to create a list of positives and negatives by studying previous cases within and outside of the country for further imrpovements. Throughout repeated discussion with the owners of Sanyi Treasure, this research aims to put a focus on reusing spaces to create a clean and fluid space that combines both new and old. Using these concepts, this research hopes that the Sanyi Treasure can aid the recognition of the “Tourist Factory” concept through its own changes.




游惠君(2017)。通用設計在觀光工廠空間與行為之研究 -以雲林良作工場農業文創館為例-〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700862
