  • 期刊


Experiential Marketing, Experiential Value, Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention of C-Bike


本研究主要探討高雄市公共腳踏車(C-Bike)的體驗行銷、體驗價值、滿意度與再購意願之影響,研究目的如下:1.探討C-Bike 體驗行銷對體驗價值、滿意度及再購意願之影響;2.探討C-Bike 消費者體驗價值對滿意度及再購意願之影響;3.探討C-Bike 消費者滿意度對再購意願之影響;以及4.瞭解C-Bike 消費者使用上之困難。本研究採立意抽樣,以問卷調查法回收有效問卷344 份,並運用迴歸分析法檢驗研究假設。研究主要發現為體驗行銷、體驗價值、滿意度與在購意願之間皆具顯著正向影響,其中又以體驗行銷對體驗價值的影響最多,顯示消費者在騎乘C-Bike 時,越深入體驗行銷中的設施功能與感官魅力,越能加深對C-Bike 的體驗價值中的紓壓力與趣味性。此外,C-Bike 的設施上,可增加視覺上的色彩,聽覺上的音樂,或是增加租借點環境的創意變化等,使消費者因為行銷的改變,增加其對C-Bike 的體驗價值。最後,本研究也提出解相關管理意涵與解決使用C-Bike 困難之實務建議。


The main purpose of this research is to study the relationship among experiential marketing, experiential value, satisfaction, and repurchase intention. Research objectives are as follows: 1. to investigate C-Bike's consumer influence of experiential marketing on experiential value, satisfaction, and repurchase intention; 2. to investigate C-Bike's consumer influence of experiential value on satisfaction and repurchase intention; 3. to investigate C-Bike's consumer influence of satisfaction on repurchase intention; and 4. to discover difficulties of usage C-Bike. This research applied purposive sampling. Data was collected by 344 questionnaire survey. Regression analysis had been conducted to test this hypotheses. The key finding is that there are significant positive influences among experiential marketing, experiential value, satisfaction, and repurchase intention. The impact of experiential marketing on experiential value is, in particularly, more influential than others. That is, the more facility functions and emotion attraction of experiential marketing, the more pressure release and fascination of experiential value. Meanwhile, this research also offers suggestions to solve the difficulties of C-Bike usage, such as improvement of rental systems and establishing more stations along with more bikes; improvement of the enrollment process; and finally, inspection and maintenance bikes regularly, and also association with EasyCard system.


朱永蕙、劉嘉麒、謝英俊(2016)。C-Bike 消費動機、涉入、滿意度與再購意願之關係。休閒產業管理學刊。9(2)
