  • 期刊


Empirical Research on Key Assessment Index of Sustainable Development of Rural Ecotourism - A Case Study of Sheding, Lide and Gangkou Communities in PingTung County


隨台灣社會朝工業及商業化發展,鄉村傳統農業逐漸式微,然而以體驗當地人文及自然生態之觀光旅遊逐漸興起,因此許多鄉村期望發展旅遊以帶動鄉村的轉型。鄉村旅遊應朝兼顧環境、社會、經濟之永續方向發展,避免過度商業化產生負面衝擊,始能促進旅遊活動永續經營及環境資源永續利用,本研究目的在建立鄉村生態旅遊永續發展評估指標,俾協助鄉村生態旅遊執行及督導單位建立檢核評估機制。本研究前已以德爾菲法(Delphi method)建立鄉村生態旅遊永續發展評估指標,包含環境、經濟、社會、文化、設施、旅遊產品、教育、地方參與及治理、行銷等9大構面48項指標,並經18名鄉村生態旅遊之社區從業人員為對象,以層級分析法(AHP)求得各指標之相對權重值,分析各指標重要性排序。本文依據之前的研究基礎,以屏東縣社頂、里德、港口三社區參與生態旅遊的主要幹部,進行鄉村生態旅遊關鍵評估指標滿意度調查,結果顯示社區整體指標滿意度總平均以里德社區最高(4.51),其次為港口社區(4.32),社頂社區最低(4.24)。三社區各構面平均滿意度以旅遊產品構面滿意度最高(4.49),其次為經濟構面(4.47)、文化構面(4.43)、滿意度最低者為行銷構面(4.20)、環境構面(4.26)、地方參與及治理構面(4.31)。社頂社區未達滿意程度之指標達6項,里德社區全數指標均達滿意程度以上,港口社區未達滿意程度之指標達3項,依社區自評結果,目前以里德社區鄉村生態旅遊永續發展之狀況較佳。


With the industrialization and commercialization development of the society in Taiwan, the rural traditional agriculture in Taiwan has gradually declined. However, sightseeing tours of experiencing local culture and nature are gradually rising. Many villages develop ecotourism in the hope of leading to a rural transformation. In order to avoid negative impact triggered by excessive commercialization, the development of rural ecotourism should consider sustainable operation in the environment, society and economy for promoting sustainable management of tourism activities and sustainable use of environmental resources. Therefore, this research aims to establish the assessment index of rural ecotourism’s sustainable development for assisting the reinforcement and supervision organizations to establish inspection and assessment mechanism. The previous research has established an indicator framework for assessing the sustainable development of rural ecotourism through a Delphi questionnaire survey, which includes 9 major dimensions (environment, economy, society, culture, facility, travel products, education, local participation and management and marketing) and 48 indexes. Moreover, , the relative weight value of each index was indicated by the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) with 18 community personnel related to development of rural ecotourism as research participants, which can help analyse the order of index importance. Based on the previous research, this article choses the key personnel of ecotourism in the three communities of Sheding, Lide and Gangkou to implement the satisfaction surveys associated with key assessment indexes of rural ecotourism. The consequence shows that Lide community ranks the highest in overall satisfaction (at 4.51), Gangkou community ranks second (at 4.32) and Sheding community ranks as the bottom (at 4.24). The three communities are most satisfied with the tourism products among all dimensions (at 4.49), followed by the economic facet and cultural facet (at 4.47 and 4.43), and the marketing facet, environmental facet and the facet of local participation and governance rank as the bottom three (at 4.20, 4.26 and 4.31). The Sheding community has six indexes that did not reach satisfaction level, all indexes of Lide community are above satisfaction level ,and three indexes of Gangkuo community fall below satisfaction level. Based on result of the community self-assessment, currently the Lide community has better potential for sustainable development of rural ecotourism.


