  • 學位論文

鄉村生態旅遊永續發展關鍵評估指標暨實證研究 -以屏東縣鄉村生態旅遊社區為例

The Key Assessment Indices and Empirical Study of Rural Ecotourism Sustainable Development -A Case Study on Ecotourism Communities in Pingtung

指導教授 : 陳美惠


隨臺灣社會朝工商業發展,鄉村農業逐漸式微,惟以體驗當地人文及自然之生態旅遊逐漸興起,因此許多鄉村期望以發展生態旅遊帶動鄉村的轉型,然而鄉村生態旅遊應朝兼顧環境、社會、經濟之永續方向發展,才能避免產生負面衝擊,並使旅遊活動及環境資源永續。本研究邀請12位專家學者以德爾菲法構建包含環境、經濟、社會、文化、設施、旅遊產品、教育、地方參與及治理、行銷等9構面48項指標之鄉村生態旅遊永續發展關鍵評估指標架構。為進一步了解各構面指標之重要性排序,再以18名發展鄉村生態旅遊之社區人員為對象,以層級分析法求得各構面指標間之相對權重值,有助於社區妥適規劃鄉村生態旅遊的執行方向及內容,達成鄉村生態旅遊永續發展之目標。結果顯示各構面最重要指標項為:環境構面「將對環境的衝擊減到最小」;經濟構面「經濟利益應考慮當代及後代公平」;社會構面「對社會永續發展有貢獻」;文化構面「鄉村文化資產維護」;設施構面「相關工程與周邊自然環境和諧」;旅遊產品構面「行程設計以自然資源及在地特色文化體驗為導向,並規劃不同等級體驗行程」;教育構面「鄉村生態旅遊相關產業員工環境教育訓練」;地方參與及治理構面「建立在地居民公開參與及共同決策之機制」;行銷構面「具備行銷策略」。進一步再將之前研究所得之指標以屏東縣墾丁國家公園內社頂、里德、港口等三個生態旅遊社區進行實證探討,對三社區共15名生態旅遊核心成員以問卷及訪談方式進行滿意度調查,據以評析各社區鄉村生態旅遊永續發展達成程度,並提供各社區針對落實情形欠佳之指標項目強化,對落實情形尚佳之指標項目繼續精進等發展建議。結果顯示社區整體指標滿意度總平均以里德社區最高(4.51),其次為港口社區(4.32),社頂社區最低(4.24)。社頂社區未達滿意程度之指標達6項,里德社區全數指標均達滿意程度以上,港口社區未達滿意程度之指標達3項,依社區自評結果,目前以里德社區鄉村生態旅遊永續發展之狀況較佳。 關鍵字:鄉村生態旅遊、永續發展關鍵評估指標、國家公園、德爾菲法、層級分析法


As Taiwan transforms into an industrial and commercial society, rural agriculture gradually declines. Yet recently there is a new trend for travelers to visit rural areas and experience local features and natural environments, thus leading to the emergence of ecotourism. Many rural villages hope that ecotourism can stimulate local transformation. However, when developing ecotourism, we should also consider the impact on local environment, society, and economy; minimize negative effects to ensure environment resource sustainability, and build a sustainable tourism economic model. This study invited twelve experts and researchers to use the Delphi method to compile a rural ecotourism sustainable development key assessment index framework which includes nine categories with 48 indices (Environment, Economy, Society, Culture, Infrastructure, Tourism products, Education, Local participation and governance, and Marketing). In order to further understand the degrees of importance of different categories and indices, we asked eighteen rural ecotourism community members to rate the indices according to their importance through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and obtain the indices’ relative weight. This process helps produce more practical execution directions and content that can help communities promote rural ecotourism, and eventually achieve the goal of establishing sustainable rural ecotourism. The most important indices in each category are as follows: Environment - "Minimize impact on environment"; Economy - "Economic benefits should be fair for the current and future generations"; Society - "Contribute to the sustainable development of society"; Culture - "Maintain and preserve rural cultural assets"; Infrastructure - "Related constructions and surrounding natural environment should coexist in harmony"; Tourism product - Itinerary designs should focus on natural resources and unique local cultural experiences. Different levels of experience tours should be planned.”; Education – “Rural ecotourism related industry employee training on environmental education"; Local participation and governance - "Set up public participation and collective decision mechanisms for local residents."; and Marketing - "Set up marketing strategies". We then visited three ecotourism communities in Kenting National Park - Sheding, Lide, and Gangkou to verify our research results. We conducted surveys and interviewed fifteen core members from the three communities to collect the satisfaction rate of current developments in order to assess the degree of actual sustainable development in the respective communities. Suggestions were offered on which indices they could improve and how to further enhance the aspects they were already doing well. Study results show that in terms of overall average community satisfaction level, Lide community has the highest (4.51), followed by Gangkou community (4.32), then Sheding community (4.24). Sheding has six indices that did not reach satisfaction level. All indices of Lide community reached satisfactory level, and Gangkou community has three that did not reach satisfaction level. According to the self-assessment results of each community, we see currently Lide community has the best development in terms of community rural ecotourism sustainability. Keywords: rural ecotourism, sustainable development assessment index, national park, Delphi method, Analytic Hierarchy Process


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