  • 期刊


Discussion on Business Model of Innovation Tourism for Anxiety of Senior Citizen


隨著現代科技發展越來越進步,旅遊方式也跟著改變,新的商業模式更趨人性化、友善性,近年來人口老化快速成長,仍有許多銀髮族對科技產品感到卻步,認為自己不適合學習新科技,對新科技的抗拒甚至焦慮,本研究以探討旅遊創新商業模式對銀髮族產生的科技焦慮感進行研究。研究方法透過、信度分析、Pearson相關分析、一般線性迴歸分析。採取問卷調查法,研究對象為台北市、新北市、桃園市的六十五歲以上銀髮族,有效樣本共200份。研究結果發現以Pearson相關分析發現銀髮族對使用科技產品接受度為商業模式人性化[r_((200))=.84, p<.01]為顯著正向關係;表示銀髮族認同商業模式人性化高;旅遊創新獨創性[r_((200))=.80, p<.01]為顯著正向關係,表示銀髮族認同創新旅遊獨創性高;科技焦慮挫折感[r_((200))= -.47, p<.01]為顯著負向關係,表示銀髮族使用科技產品產生焦慮感越高;以Pearson相關分析來說當p值小於0.01呈現正向關係。研究結論銀髮族群因應快速的創新旅遊商業模式而帶來的改變所產生的焦慮感,旅遊業者在商業模式上能考慮銀髮族的使用介面,讓銀髮族減少對電腦的使用焦慮,在旅行社的網頁能夠提供教學影片,讓銀髮族透過影片自助學習如何操作,提升銀髮族對科技焦慮的接受度,進而提高營收,建立消費者與公司雙贏的局面。


With the development of modern science and technology, tourism methods have changed, new business models have become more humane and friendly. In recent years, the aging population has grown rapidly. Many senior citizens still feel deterred by technology products and think they are not suitable for learning New technology, resistance and even anxiety to new technology, this study explores the technological anxiety generated by the senior citizen by exploring the innovative business model of tourism Research methods include: reliability analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, and general linear regression analysis. A questionnaire survey was adopted, and the research subjects were senior citizen over the age of 65 in Taipei, New Taipei City, and Taoyuan City, with a total of 200 valid samples. The research results found that the Pearson correlation analysis found that the acceptance of the use of technology products by the senior citizen is a humanistic business model [r_((200))=.84, p<.01], which is a significant positive relationship; indicating that the senior citizen agree that the business model is highly human; Tourism innovation originality [r_((200))=.80, p<.01] is a significant positive relationship, indicating that the senior citizen agree that innovative tourism originality is high; technological anxiety frustration [r_((200))= -.47, p<.01] is a significant negative relationship, which indicates that the anxiety of the senior citizen using technology products is higher; Pearson correlation analysis shows a positive relationship when the P value is less than 0.01; a negative relationship when the P value is less than -0.01. Research conclusions The anxiety generated by the senior citizen ethnic group in response to the changes brought about by the rapid innovation of the business model for tourism. The tourism industry can consider the senior citizen user interface in the business model, so that the senior citizen group can reduce their anxiety about using computers. It can provide instructional videos to allow the senior citizen to self-learn how to operate through the videos, improve the senior citizen acceptance of technological anxiety, thereby increasing revenue and establishing a win-win situation for consumers and the company.


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資策會與弘道基金會(2015)。創新應用服務研究所進行資深公民與弱勢族群4G 公益應用推動台灣銀髮族 4G 應用需求著重「安心安全」。取自於:https://archive.eettaiwan.com/www.eettaiwan.com/ART_8800710982_675327_NT_caf393b2.HTM
