  • 期刊


A Study of the Information Architecture of Land Registration and Cadastral Systems by Data Oriented Methods


良好的系統規劃與分析是能夠成功建立一個資訊系統之基石。本研究之目的即在爲全國地政資訊系統做系統規劃之工作。有關系統規劃與分析之技術,早期有自由Macro與Yourdon提出之功能導向(Function Oriented)的結構化系統分析法。其後又因爲大家發現大部份系統中比較穩定的元素是Data而非Functions,故有了資料導向(Data Oriented)之分析方法,其所用之Methodology主要爲IBM發展之BSP及Chen發展之E-R Model。到最近更有物件導向(Object Oriented)分析法之出現,唯尚未完全成熟。由於地政業務主要爲管理及使用地籍資料,以及分析這些資料以訂定土地政策,故適合以Data Oriented之方法分析之。但地籍資料包含了圖形與文數字兩種,且處理這兩種資料之工具亦不同(一爲GIS中之圖層管理,一爲Data Base中之資料管理(MIS)),故要如何看待這兩種Data才能使用系統分析中之工具整體規劃分析之,實爲本研究之主要重點。


The gool of this study the architectural design of the land registration and cadastral systems. A popular system analysis technique is the ”function oriented” method originally addressed by structured analysis in the late 1970s. Then, people found that the data requirements of an organization are usually the most stable and most pervasive component of the organization. So we have the ”data-oriented” method. The main analysis tools of a data-oriented method are based on the Business Systems Planning method and Chen's Entity-Relationship models. We adopt the dataoriented method in our study. Since there are two kinds of data in a Cadastral system, graphical and alphanumerical, we suggest a way to unify those two kinds of data to make the use of the analysis tools possible.
