  • 期刊


Analysis of Spatial Data by Using Geographical Information System and Geostatistcs


本研究應用地理資訊系統(Geographical Information System, GIS)建置雲林北港溪斗六丘陵以西及北港溪以束地區之地形、地質及河流水系資料,並以地理統計模擬法之退火模擬法模擬流通係數之空間分佈,而結合成資料庫,且將此模擬結果與地質及水系調查資料進行套疊比較及分析。研究結果顯示,退火模擬法所模擬之流通係數空間分佈,能顯現研究區流通係數之空間分佈趨勢及空間變異複雜性。且退火模擬之流通係數空間分佈、地質及河系調查資料相互比較與套疊結果,證明退火模擬法之流通係數模擬值,與研究區與地質地形相符合,並與水系分布狀況相符。


In this study, we setup geographical information system with the database of geomorphology, geology, river and hydrogeology. The spatial distribution of transmissivity is simulated by using the simulated annealing simulation the area location at the west of the Duliu terrace and the east banks of the middle and upper streams of Peikang River in Yun-Lin County in Taiwan. We compared simulated results with the measured transmissivity data and overlaid the simulated results, geological formation and the distribution of depth of clay. The results show that simulated results matched the complex spatial fluctuation of transmissivity over study area. The simulated annealing simulation for simulates spatial fluctuation of transmissivity, the results of simulated annealing simulations can reveal the spatial extreme and the spatial complex of transmissivity of this study area. Moreover the distribution of simulation results of simulated annealing simulation much more matches the spatial formation of rivers, geology and clay. Meanwhile, the multiple realizations of simulated annealing simulations can also identify the spatial area of uncertainty of transmissivity in this study area.
