  • 期刊



根據Gartner物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)預測報告顯示[4],2016年全球連網物件數量將達到64億件,較2015年增加30%,到2020年更將增至208億件。到了2016年,連網物件數量每日將新增550萬件,可見得這會是一個很龐大的商機。物聯網崛起,已成為科技產業最重視的新發展。但在物聯網上的開發需要用到的技術必須考慮到物聯網設備(IoT end devices)、閘道器(IoT gateway)、雲端與手機等,這對開發者來說並非是友善的。因此,本論文研究開發一套物聯網系統平台,讓開發者能夠輕鬆的開發建置物聯網。本文會提供幾個重要的技術服務來建置智慧物聯網系統平台:1. 物聯網裝置與IoT gateway的自動連線。2. CoAP(Constraint Application Protocol)client和CoAP server建置物聯網裝置與物聯網閘道器之間的資訊傳輸。3. 利用MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)協定建立物聯網閘道器註冊系統。4. 物聯網資料模型(data model):IPSO Alliance物聯網裝置的smart object標準和台灣智慧能源產業協會SAANet通訊標準。5. 以Raspberry Pi建置物聯網閘道器。6. 以NodeMCU建置物聯網設備。7. 手機/平板控制面板(dashboard)應用程式。本文會利用以上技術來實現智慧家庭。


According to the 2015 IoT (Internet of Things) report of Gartner Inc., there will be 6.4 billion IoT devices in use in 2016, which is 30% increase compared to 2015 and will reach 20.8 billion in 2020. This also means that 5.5 million IoT devices will be connected each day since 2016. It is no doubt that IoT industry has huge market values and becomes one of the most important technologies. It is quite complicate to design IoT systems since the developers need to consider the design and implementation of IoT end devices, IoT gateways, IoT could systems and smart phones or tablets at the same time. This paper presents a novel IoT platform enabling developers to build IoT applications easily and painlessly. Our IoT platform employs the following techniques: 1. Secure and automatic connection mechanism for connecting IoT end devices, IoT gateway and smart phones. 2. CoAP client and CoAP server for enabling services on IoT end devices, IoT gateway, smart phones and IoT cloud. 3. MQTT registration for connecting IoT gateways with IoT cloud. 4. IoT data model for interoperability based on smart objects from IPSO Alliance and SAANet protocol from Taiwan Smart Energy Industry Association. 5. Open hardware Raspberry Pi platforms for implementing low cost IoT gateways 6. NodeMCU platforms for implementing low cost and low power IoT end devices 7. Smart phone applications for controlling IoT devices. A smart home application is built to illustrate the above techniques of our IoT platform.




行政院科技會報(2015),『2015年行政院生產力4.0科技發展策略會議』http://www.bost.ey.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=94090FED75EFA410(June 2015)
李帆(2015)。SAANet 與 IPSO 協定於物聯網應用之研究分析(碩士論文)。大同大學資訊工程系。
科技新報(2015),『Gartner:2016 年使用中的連網物件數量將達 64 億』,http://technews.tw/2015/11/17/gartner-2016-iot/(November,17,2015)


