  • 期刊


The Influence of Member Familiarity and Group Historyon the Performance of Group Support System


本研究主要目的為瞭解在群體支援系統的輔助下,群組成員的熟悉度與合作經驗對會議討論的過程與結果將造成何種影響。本研究採用實驗室實驗法,以二因子完全隨機設計的方式進行,並採用多變量變異數分析及多重比較的方式,來進行資料的分析、驗證與比較。本研究結果歸納出四個重要結論:(1) 群組成員的熟悉度對於群體決策過程(資訊分享、非工作導向行為)有顯著影響;(2) 群組成員的熟悉度對群體決策產出(決策品質、決策滿意度、意見產生數)皆無顯著的影響;(3) 群組成員的合作經驗對於群體決策過程(非工作導向行為)有顯著影響;(4) 群組成員的合作經驗對於群體決策產出(決策品質、意見產生數)有顯著影響。


The purpose of this study is to examine the influences of member familiarity members with familiarity vs. without familiarity) and group history (members with group history vs. members without group history) on the outcomes of GSS meetings. In order to help researchers better understand the causes and consequent effects of GSS meetings, a laboratory experiment and two-factor completely randomized design were conducted in this study. The data analysis of MANOVA and the methods of multiple comparisons were further used to assess the relationships and compare data. The results indicate that (1) member familiarity has a significant correlation with group decision making process (e.g., information sharing, uninhibited behavior); (2) member familiarity is not significantly correlated to group decision making outcomes (e.g., decision quality, decision satisfaction, number of comments); (3) group history has a significant influence on group decision making process (uninhibited behavior); (4) group history is significantly associated with group decision making outcomes (e.g., decision quality, number of comments). A discussion of the findings and managerial implications are also provided.


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