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An Application Method and Empirical Performance Study on Individual Stock with Using Averaging Strategies - Evidences from Taiwanese Stock Markets




This study focuses on the periodic investment of individual stock. Presently, there are three types of averaging strategies that have been proposed, including dollar-cost averaging, quantity averaging and value averaging. Additionally, the most previous studies indicate that the unfixed dollar-cost averaging is superior to the dollar-cost averaging, therefore, the unfixed dollar-cost averaging, the unfixed quantity averaging and unfixed value averaging are also examined. Moreover, an improved investment approach, which associates with market derivation index, for these three unfixed strategies is proposed herein. This study particularly puts emphasis on the value averaging, which is developed and proposed recently. Value averaging is to increase a specified holding value during each period for given invested asset. Because the holding value will vary with the change of market price of the invested asset, the value averaging will further strengthen the advantage of "buy less at a high price, buy more at a low price". Consequently, it is supposed to expect that the value averaging will get a lower average purchasing cost, and thus can yield a better investment performance. Besides explaining the application methods for six averaging strategies, this study takes those stocks, which comprise Taiwan 50 and Taiwan medium-sized 100 indices, and the exchange traded funds (ETF) as empirical sample to compare and analyze the investment performance among six averaging strategies. The purpose of empirical study is to find out the averaging strategies, which are suitable for different index and sector types of stocks. The empirical results show that there are significant differences among the investment performance obtained from six averaging strategies. Moreover, as expected, the value averaging can help increasing the most investment performance over a middle-long term investment. The resulting performance using unfixed value averaging is particularly exceptional, and is more suitable to be applied in those stocks that belong to Taiwan medium-sized 100 index, and the information technology (IT) and traditional sectors.


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