  • 期刊


How to Enhance the Belongingness through Co-Living? An Action Research of the Business Practice of 9floor in Taiwan




共居 歸屬感 行動研究 社會支持 玖樓


Co-living, or co-housing, refers to a form of housing that tenants sharing community spaces and facilities to enhance the interaction between them. In 2015, in response to the imbalance in the rental market and the lack of belongingness to the Chinese people, "9floor", Taiwan's first co-living company, was established to improve the above problems. They rent a room or space from the landlord, be allowed to make it more modernization, then rent it to the tenants. The concept is like a sub-lessor but gives tenants more than that because of two things. First, co-living increase the proportion of shared space, such as open kitchen, comfortable living room, etc., allow tenants to know each other when they're in the space. Second, the company organizes activities to actively and passively increase the opportunities for tenants to understand each other deeply. But by the end of 2018, the willingness of tenants to participate in activities in 9floor gradually declined, and the benefits of co-living and connection could not be realized. How does co-living allow tenants to choose to communicate with others? What are the ways to build or enhance the belongingness of tenants? It will be discussed in this study. The researchers used the Action Research to explore the dilemma of the operation of 9floor, went to the Netherlands and the United Kingdom to obtain and summarize the operating characteristics of the benchmarking enterprises. This study is expected to provide research starting points for academics and those who want to know how co-living make tenants live better. This study aims to give a way to balance the rental market in Taiwan, promote the concept of co-living and scale up the market to enhance the belongingness, and reduce the possibility of mental health crisis or crime caused by loneliness.


Co-living Belongingness Action Research Social Support 9floor


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