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A Study of Foot-to-Ground Pressure during the Golf Drive


本研究計畫將以兩位低中高不同差點的業餘高爾夫球員,作為本研究之測試對象,其差點分別為低差點(差點3)以及高差點(差點25)。本研究之實驗將受試者帶至台灣體育大學生物力學研究室進行測試,使其站在“Kister 929AD” system.測力板上與利用Redlake Motion Scope PCI 1000S高速攝影系統,分別進行真實完整的一號木桿揮桿擊球動作,在一個完整的揮桿過程中,從桿頭揮行的途徑中區分出六個區域,來收集整個揮桿過程中桿頭揮動到各點時,左腳對地面作用力的情形,兩位受試者都做十次成功的擊球後,收集數據作為研究分析的依據。在數據收集完成後,分別進行統計分析比較,發現基本上兩位受試者各自在十次的揮桿中沒有顯著的差異性,這說明兩位受試者在揮桿的重心轉移上極為相似,但低差點受試者揮桿的一致性較高,顯示其揮桿技術較為穩定;兩位受試者左腳對地面的作用力也極為相似,但低差點的受試者在下桿至擊球的關鍵階段壓力重心的轉移明顯速度較快,而且對地的力作用力量也較大,這亦說明了低差點的受試者大多利用軀幹的做為擊球力量來源,而高差點的受試者則較少利用身體的轉動而是利用較多的手臂動作來做為擊球力量的來源。


Two male golfers participated in this study, one being classified as a low-handicap player, the other a high-handicap player. The research was in NPPE an indoor biomechanics laboratory. The pressures at 6 discrete phases throughout the swing were abstained each subject performed a series of 10 drives while one foot on each of 2 pressure plates of the Kister 929AD system and Redlake Motion Scope PCI 1000S video camera system . General support was found for the theory that players possess the ability to repeat weight-transfer patterns for successive swings irrespective of handicap. However, while the variability within players is basically the same, there is an indication that variability at point of contact is less for the more skilled player.
