  • 期刊


Quantifying training loads of half and full court offensive and defensive strategies using athlete tracking system in college basketball players


目的:以活動量指標審視國內大專籃球員在戰術改變下,球員比賽過程中所需的身體負荷狀態。方法:招募10名大專公開組一級男子籃球員,並使用同步化之運動員追蹤系統監控球員在四節比賽中的活動量(Player Load)。以單因子變異數分析整場比賽不同位置球員(前鋒、後衛、中鋒)整體活動量之差異;另採用相依樣本t檢定考驗半場與全場攻守戰術之球員活動量差異性,以及不同位置球員(前鋒、後衛、中鋒)執行半場與全場攻守戰術時活動量的差異情形,最後敘述球員執行全場盯人與全場區域防守之活動量差異。結果:不同位置球員整場執行不同攻防戰術的整體活動量無明顯差異(p=.457);球員執行半場攻防戰術之強度顯著高於全場攻防(p=.000);前鋒與後衛執行半場攻守戰術的活動量顯著高於全場攻防(p=.031,p=.058);而全場盯人及全場區域兩種攻防戰術的活動量相似。結論:本研究結果可提供教練於賽中依據己隊情況及對手防守陣型進行戰術調配運用。


Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine players' training load (TL) of different offensive and defensive strategies during a simulation competition by using PlayerLoad as an indicator. Methods: Ten college male basketball players from Taiwan's University Basketball Association (UBA) division I were recruited. PlayerLoad was monitored by using an athlete tracking system. The simulation competition consisted of four 10-minute basketball quarters, and players were asked to perform half court (man-to-man and zone) and full court (man-to-man and zone) defensive strategies. A one-way analysis of variance was used to test differences in total TL among player positions (guards forward and center). A Paired sample t-test was used to compare the TL between different offensive and defensive strategies (half and full court) and the TL of player in different position between two different type of offensive and defensive strategies (half and full court). Results: There was no significant difference in total TL among all player positions (p =. 457). Training load was significantly greater in half offensive and defensive strategies compared with full court strategies (p =. 000). Furthermore, TL of forwards and guards were significantly higher in half offensive and defensive strategies compared with full court strategies (p =. 031, p =. 058). The TL in full court man-to-man defensive strategies was similar to full court zone. Conclusion: These results could help coaching staff adjust an appropriate defensive system according to their own situation and the opponents' defensive strategy during competitions.


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