  • 期刊


The study of biomechanics within trunk and thereby joints is correlated to sport injury in golf swing


高爾夫揮桿(golf swing)是在很短時間內將球擊出的過程,從發力至力量的傳遞,需要身體各關節的配合才能有好的表現。為了有更遠的擊球距離,關節在短時間內有快速的角位移以產生更大輸出功率,但也容易造成運動傷害。先前研究發現,下背痛是高爾夫最常見的運動傷害,原因多來自鄰近關節活動角度不足,使下背過度代償造成。本研究目的是透過了解揮桿過程軀幹及其鄰近關節活動度及肌電訊號來預防運動傷害。綜合先前文獻,軀幹鄰近關節影響如下:軸心腳(慣用右手為左腳)髖關節的內旋角度受限會造成腰椎受力上升;肩部連線與骨盆連線相對旋轉差異(X-factor)越大,腰椎受力也越大,都易造成下背傷害。此外,胸椎活動度不足,會出現肩關節代償性的外旋角度上升,而產生傷害。可見軀幹與鄰近關節在揮桿過程互動是相當密切的,值得我們深入探討。


In golf swing, it needs multiple joints coordination to hit the ball in a short period of time for better performance. Therefore, rapid angular displacement of joints is noted to hit the ball farther in golf swing, and it is two side to the same coin when talking about the injury. Previous study showed low back pain is the most common injury in golf and it results from compensatory movements because of limited range of motion of thereby joints. The purpose of this study is to investigate the interaction between trunk and thereby joints, and its correlation between injury by studying joints range of motion and electromyography during golf swing. According to previous literature, the correlation of trunk and thereby joints are as below: first, limitation of internal rotation of leading hip causes higher lumber spine loading. Second, increasing X-factor imposes more stress on lumber spine. Both of the reasons lead to low back injury. Besides, limitation of thoracic range of motion would cause external rotation of shoulder, which could cause injury. Therefore, there is a high interaction between trunk and thereby joints in golf swing, and it is worthy of further discussion.


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