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A Study of Related Factors of Quality of Life in Glaucoma Patients


目的:瞭解與青光眼病患生活品質相關的因素,並評估青光眼病患視覺功能與健康相關生活品質(health related QOL),視覺相關生活品質(vision related QOL)的關係。方法:以台北市某區域醫院94年4月1日至94年9月30日期間診斷爲青光眼,共計220位病人爲研究對象,進行病人人口學特質、臨床特性及藥物使用情形的資料之蒐集;並以SF-36及NEIVFQ-25台灣中文版問卷調查其健康相關生活品質。結果:青光眼病人的部分人口學特質、臨床特性、藥物使用情形與健康相關之生活品質顯著相關;視覺功能六個變項與SF-36八個次向度、NEIVFQ-25十二個次向度的結果均呈現負相關。其中,NEIVFQ-25有八個次向度與視覺功能變項達到中度的負相關性(r=-0.4~-0.69);但SF-36只有兩個次向度與視覺功能變項達到中度的負相關性(r=-0.4~-0.69)。結論:建議醫師可藉由問卷調查的方法來瞭解青光眼病患自覺視覺功能不良的情形及其生活品質,結果將可以作爲調整臨床治療的重要參考依據。


Objectives: This study explores possible factors associated with glaucoma patient quality of life, and assesses the relationship between visual function and patient perception of their health related and vision related QOL. Methods: The study sample comprised 220 patients with glaucoma undergoing follow-up in two branches of a regional hospital in Taipei from April 1st, 2005 to September 30th, 2005. Demographic data, clinical characteristics and the treatment status were collected. The questionnaires used to investigate health related QOL comprised the Taiwan (Chinese) version of the SF-36 and NEIVFQ-25 modules for vision related quality of life. Results: Certain demographic characteristics, clinical characteristics and treatment status of glaucoma patients were associated with health related QOL. Eight subscales of SF-36 and 12 subscales of NEIVFQ-25 were negatively correlated with six variables of visual function. Furthermore, eight subscales of NEIVFQ-25 were moderately and negatively correlated with those six variables of visual function (r=-0.4~-0.69), and two subscales of SF-36 were moderately and negatively correlated with those variables of visual function (r=-0.4~-0.69). Conclusions: Results of SF-36 and NEIVFQ-25 of glaucoma patients can be used to estimate their quality of life. The results can provide a reference when adjusting therapy for glaucoma.


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