  • 期刊


向田邦子的隨筆〈父親的道歉信〉考察─以重複表達方式為線索─|A study of Kuniko Mukōdas Essay "Fathers letter of apology": In terms of Lexical Recurrence, Repetition of the Same Words and Phrases




随筆 反復表現 結束性 一貫性


本稿的目的是以重複表達方式為線索考察日本著名隨筆<父親的道歉信>、分析語彙重複表達方式所帶來的文章結束性或連貫性與文章技巧之間有怎樣的關係。經過分析得知如下。A)語句本身有時有雙種含義,所以重複表達方式會牽涉到兩種不同的文章結束性或連貫性。B)有些日本隨筆在結尾部分沒有特別寫到結局。但前面文章中已有幾次重複的收場場面、所以讀者都能想像到精彩幽黙的大結局。C)日本隨筆標題與社論或評論文不同、不一定代表整個文章的主題、而是有的標題會故意誤導讀者。|The purpose of this paper is to analyze Kuniko Mukōda s essay "Fathers letter of apology" in terms of lexical recurrence, and also observe the relationship between lexical cohesion or coherence and essay's writing skill. The results of the analysis are as follows. A) words in text sometimes have two meanings, so they can involve two different kinds of cohesion or coherence in one text. B) In some essay, there are no final punch line at the end of the essay. But some short ending has been repeated in the former paragraph, so readers can image the final punch line smoothly. C) The title of literary essay does not necessarily represent the theme, and in some Literary Essays, the author tricks readers by having the misleading title.
