  • 期刊


Urban Agriculture Trends and Future Strategy in Taipei City




The global climate change issue causes agriculture losses. In Taipei City, the problem of food self-sufficiency reduction is exacerbated by the large number of agricultural land around the city being diverted for other land use. It is necessity and functional to promote the urban agriculture as one of the ways to supply food in order to maintain urban food security and increase food self-sufficiency rate. This study collates the current development of urban agriculture in Taiwan and the problems it faces, summarizes and analyzes domestic and foreign cases, compares and analyzes the strategies and experiences of Taipei and Havana, Havana, South Korea, and New York, USA, and puts forward that the key to the success of urban agriculture operation is divided into six major directions: function, space, management, training, supply and policy Under the premise that urban agriculture is the purpose of grain supply, we should first encourage the development of three-dimensional space, through professional and technical expertise and perfect management principles and financial support for production volume and stability, construct the neighborhood grain supply system according to urban agricultural productivity, and support and guidance of government adjustment and supporting measures to achieve urban food autonomy and food safety in Taipei City.


Urban Agriculture UA Civic farm Edible Scenery


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