  • 期刊


The Research on the Importance of Consider Items in the Planning Stage of Residential Long-Term Care Institutions


有鑑於我國即將邁入高齡化社會,可預期的是住宿式長照機構的需求在未來將大量增加。目前政府雖鼓勵業者進行長照機構的新建與既有設施的轉型,但在相關設置標準的的內容中,多僅規範主要空間如寢室、日常生活場域的最小單位面積或基本設備數量進行量化的規定,並未將營運狀況、使用者需求、使用感受等要素納入規劃階段的評估項目中。有鑑於此,本研究以台灣中部三所公辦住宿式長照機構為對象進行田調,針對具相關經驗之興辦端與使用端實施問卷,並以Fuzzy AHP法分析權重後,彙整其序位的平均值藉以得知各個項目的重要性。依據統計結果顯示,在「私人空間」、「公共空間」之軟硬體需求所形成的十六項因素項目中,私人硬體空間的要求性能以「寢室」為核心,重要性依序為寢室本體及附屬衛浴空間的安全性、其次為空間格局與通風採光、第三則為環境佈置之舒適性等;至於在私人空間的軟體服務方面,「巡房」與「生活照顧」呈現較前序位,發生場所皆與寢室格局息息相關,故在空間規劃階段須確實掌握前述醫療服務之內容。至於在公共空間方面,則是長照機構的緊急安全逃生規劃之完整性被視為最重要,且須考量行動弱勢特性而搭配較頻繁的防災演練,才可發揮空間的防火避難性能。


Taiwan is about to enter a super-aged society, and it can be expected that the demand for residential long-term care institutions will increase substantially in the future. At present, although the government encourages operators to build new long-term care institutions and transform existing facilities, in the content of relevant setting standards, most of them only regulate the minimum unit area of main spaces such as bedrooms, daily life areas or the number of basic equipment for quantification. However, the operating conditions, user needs, user experience and other elements are not included in the evaluation items in the planning stage. Therefore, this study conducted a field survey of three public long-term care institutions in central Taiwan and a questionnaire survey of experienced experts. The importance of each item can be known after the results of the questionnaire are analyzed by fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. According to the statistical results, among the sixteen items, the most important is the safety of the bedroom and the attached bathroom space, followed by the spatial pattern and ventilation and lighting, and the third is the comfort of the environment layout. As for the public space, the performance of fire escape is regarded as the most important, and more frequent disaster prevention drills must be taken into account in consideration of the vulnerable characteristics of action, so that the space can promote the safety of the space.


李淑滿(2019)。住宿式長期照顧機構面對長照 2.0的因應策略-以高雄市私立某社福基金會為例。高苑科技大學經營管理學系碩士論文,台灣高雄。
