  • 期刊

環境昆蟲量對五色鳥(Megalaima nuchalis)幼鳥生長與存活之影響

Effects of Arthropod Abundance on Nestling Growth and Survival of Taiwan Barbets (Megalaima nuchalis)




五色鳥 餵食頻率 離巢 都市綠地


Food abundance in the environment influences nestling growth and survival in birds. In urbanized areas, nestling survival is likely to decrease due to low arthropod abundance. We investigated the fledgling success rate of the Taiwan Barbet (Megalaima nuchalis) and the causes of fledgling failure in an urban green space and a natural habitat. In the two sites, arthropod abundance, arthropod provision rates by parents, nestling growth states were recorded. The results show the less arthropod abundance, the lower arthropod provision rate, slower nestling growth and more premature death of nestlings in the urban green space. Furthermore, the clutch with nestlings of distinct body size differences had lower arthropod food provision rate and more premature deaths. The results indicate that arthropods are a vital food resource for nestling growth of Taiwan Barbet. Insufficient arthropod abundance in the habitat will likely cause slow growth and premature death of nestlings. To enhance arthropod abundance in urban green space, appropriate habitat management is needed, and any damage to the arthropod community and its habitat should be prevented.
