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不同食物對基徵草蛉(Mallada basalis(Walker))成蟲壽命及生殖力之影響

Effects of Different Foods on the Longevity and Fecundity of Mallada basalis (Walker) Adults (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)


基徵草蛉(Mallada basalis(Walker))係重要的捕食性天敵。於室內以臺灣常見花粉,即羅氏鹽膚木花粉、茶花粉、油菜花粉及蓮花粉等四種不同食料,分別添加蜂蜜飼育基徵草蛉成蟲,並與現行採用之酵母粉加蜂蜜,比較其對基徵草蛉成蟲壽命及生殖力的影響。試驗結果顯示以酵母粉飼育效果最佳,四種花粉中羅氏鹽膚木花粉次之,蓮花粉最差。分析花粉成份與基徵草蛉取食後成長、存活及生殖關係,顯示花粉中蛋白質含量為影響基徵草蛉壽命及產卵力之重要因子,即食物蛋白質含量越高則草蛉壽命越長、產卵力越高及體重亦越重。該項結果可提供大量飼養基徵草蛉供田間釋放之應用基礎。


食物 基徵草蛉 壽命 產卵力


The green lacewing, Mallada basalis (Walker) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), is a predatory insect of agricultural pests commonly found on many crops in Taiwan. A series of investigations on the effects of food on longevity and fecundity of this insect were conducted in the laboratory, using four kinds of pollen, e.g., the Roxburgh sumac pollen, tea pollen, rape pollen, and water lily pollen. These results indicated that the Roxburgh sumac pollen was the best food source for increasing the longevity and fecundity of the green lacewing. In another experimental analysis on pollen components in relation to insect growth and development, it was revealed that the food protein was the major factor for the nutrition of the green lacewing. The fecundity, longevity, and body weight of this natural enemy increased with an increase in protein contents in the diet. These results may be used to support improving the mass production and release programs of this lacewing.


Mallada basalis food fecundity longevity
