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A Study of the Relationship Between Self-Concept, Life Adjustment, School Identity, and Educational Expectations of College Freshmen




This study aims to understand the freshmen's current cognition of self-concept, life adjustment, school identity, and educational expectations; the interrelationship, predictive influence and the degree of model fitting between variables are also investigated through questionnaire survey. 981 valid questionnaires were collected by general sampling from the freshmen in K Medical University of Kaohsiung City with 91% effective recovery rate as the research parent population. SPSS and AMOS were adopted to construct data files and perform statistical analysis. Results of this study showed that: A. Expectations of college higher education, peer investment and learning adjustment are identified as the top three averaged values towards the cognition of the variables, while self-concept evaluation, psychological self and school identity are the three lowest among the freshmen. B. The interrelationship between self-concept, life adjustment, school identity and educational expectations shows significant correlation. C. Self-concept has a significant impact on life adjustment, while life adaptation has a significant impact on school identity and educational expectations. D. A good model fit has been shown in this study. Based on the research results, specific conclusions and recommendations are made as a reference for future academic research and counselling services of freshman affairs.


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