  • 期刊

What to Teach on the Course of Chinese-English Translation?



The purpose of this essay is to express the importance of cross-cultural awareness when one is doing the work of translation. By reading this paper, readers will not only see part of the teaching materials on the course of Chinese-English Translation but also can learn about the objects of cross-cultural awareness and policies that English-Chinese translators must be familiar with and adopt. The full text is divided into nine sections. In addition to the Introduction and Conclusion, the second section is "A Cultural Illiteracy Translation." The third section is "The Way to Make a Creative Translation." The fourth section is "Cross-Cultural Awareness of Greetings." The fifth section is "Cross-Cultural Awareness of Festivals." The sixth section is "Cross-Cultural Awareness of Colors." The seventh section is "Cross-Cultural Awareness of Allusions." The eighth section is "The Policy of Translating Proverbs, Idioms, and Slangs".




中式英文 跨文化覺知 翻譯策略 直譯 意譯


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