  • 期刊


Recreational Safety of the Mountainous River from the Geomorphic Perspective: A Case Study of the Dabao River, New Taipei City




Mountainous streams, with clear water, pleasing landscape and refreshing air, attract many visitors from big cities to escape the summer heat. The natural setting of the variable channel morphology and dynamic hydrology of the streams, however, is a threat to visitors. This study intends to analyze the recreational safety of the channel segments from the geomorphic perspective. A stretch of 10 km along the Dabou Stream is chosen as the study area due to its large number of reported drowning cases in the past. Results show that the characterized strata of interbedded sandstone and shale and the relationship of strata strike and river flow direction play important roles on shaping channel morphology along the study area. Where more resistant sandstone layers and > 1 m boulders present, the channel profile become more rugged; while the channel reaches on less resistant shale beds, where usually pools located, are very slippery. Based on the degree of threats due to channel morphology and accessibility to the stream water, among 18 segments 7 are suitable and 9 are inappropriate for public recreational use. It is difficult for volunteer lifeguards to overlook visitors along a rugged channel, especially for those who deliberately explore the neighboring segments outside of the designated water areas by the local government. So, it is suggested that when considering suitability of open water areas, the unit of channel segment, but not just a smaller reach within, should be taken into account.
