  • 期刊


A Survey of Deoxynivalenol and Zearalenone in Cereal Products


黴菌毒素是黴菌產生之二級代謝產物,會對人體腎臟與肝臟等器官造成危害,影響民眾健康甚鉅。鑑於歷年本局調查市售花生製品污染黃麴毒素之狀況,發現有部份產品不符合規定,為保障民眾健康,將持續進行市售產品黴菌毒素調查。因衛生署尚未針對脫氧雪腐鐮刀菌烯醇(deoxynivalenol, DON)及玉米赤黴烯酮(zearalenone, ZON)訂定法規限量標準,透過本調查,藉以瞭解市售食品中污染情形,建立背景資料,並將檢驗結果提供衛生管理單位供作未來訂定限量標準之參考。於100年3-4月至大台北地區各大賣場、超市抽購穀類產品共70件,依衛生署公告檢驗方法分別進行DON及ZON檢驗,結果有3件檢體檢出DON,檢出率為4.29%,含量介於148.12-2133.24 ppb,國際間DON之限量標準大多介於300-2000 ppb;2件檢體檢出ZON,檢出率為2.86%,惟含量皆低,介於10.53-11.58 ppb之間,遠低於國際間主要之限量標準(1000 ppb)。本調查結果,發現少數檢體污染DON及ZON,惟污染量不高,僅1件爆米花之DON含量高於國際間之限量標準,藉由本調查結果,瞭解市售穀類製品中DON及ZON污染情形,可作為衛生管理單位訂定限量標準之參考。


Mycotoxins are known as carcinogenic, and harmful to the health of humans and animals, and even caused huge economic loss. The regulations have not been set for the deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZON) in Taiwan. In order to understand the contamination situation in food, a survey of DON and ZON contents in market products was conducted by TFDA. Seventy products including 15 rice, 15 corn and 40 cereal products were collected from convenient stores, supermarkets and grocery stores from March to April, 2011. The results showed that DON was detected in three samples ranging from 148.12-2133.24 ppb, and ZON in two samples ranging from 10.53-11.58 ppb. The result of this survey also showed that 1 popcorn sample was contaminated with DON levels above the international limits.


cereals deoxynivalenol zearalenone
