  • 期刊


Monitor on the Quality of Microorganism and Preservatives of Cosmetic Products in Taiwan


為了解市售化粧品之品質是否符合衛生福利部公告之防腐劑使用限制及化粧品中微生物容許量相關規定,食品藥物管理署(下稱食藥署)委請各地方政府衛生局於108-109年間,於轄區內藥粧店、百貨行、超市、便利商店、大賣場、婦嬰用品店、美容美髮材料行等地抽樣化粧品檢體203件,另食藥署109年自行價購市售宣稱含益生菌相關成分之化粧品10件,共計213件,產品類型包括面霜乳液、面膜、化粧水、清潔類產品等175件及嬰兒專用濕巾38件(含國產品93件、輸入品120件),進行防腐劑及微生物之檢驗。檢驗結果在防腐劑方面,有24件檢出防腐劑與外包裝成分欄所標示之內容不符,其中1件檢出水楊酸0.37%超出防腐劑使用限量,2件嬰兒濕巾檢出不得使用於三歲以下孩童之防腐劑Iodopropynyl butylcarbamate,不符合率為12.2%。另,微生物方面則有2件生菌數超出化粧品微生物容許量基準,分別為化粧水及嬰兒專用濕巾各1件,不符合率為1.8%(108年之100件抽樣檢體無檢驗微生物),有關宣稱含益生菌相關成分之化粧品則均符合化粧品微生物容許量基準。不符規定檢體均函送地方衛生機關予以行政處理,以保護消費者使用化粧品之衛生安全。


化粧品 防腐劑 微生物


In order to investigate compliance of preservatives usage and microbial limits in cosmetics, two hundred and three samples were randomly collected by local health bureaus from drug and cosmetic stores, hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenient stores, maternity stores, department stores and beauty salon materials shops during January to June, 2019 and January to June, 2020. In addition, in 2020, Taiwan Food and Drug Administration purchased 10 cosmetics that claimed to contain probiotics (213 in total). Among them, thirty eight samples were baby wipes and 175 samples were creams, lotions, facial masks and cleansers. Ninety-three of them were manufactured in Taiwan and 120 were imported. The results showed 24 samples were detected unlabeled or mislabeled preservatives, one of them was detected salicylic acid (0.37%) that exceed the regulatory limits as preservatives. In addition, 2 baby wipes were detected iodopropynyl butylcarbamate, which should not be added as preservatives in products may be used by children under 3 years old (non-compliance rate:12.2%). Furthermore, two samples were found to have an Aerobic Plate Count (APC) exceeding the tolerable limit (non-compliance rate: 1.8%). All the violation cases were sent to authorities for administrative disposition.


cosmetic preservative microorganisms
