  • 期刊


The Results of On Site-Training of Meat and Egg Manufacturing Industries in Hygiene and Safety Self-Management in 2016-2021


禽畜產品為我國民生消費必需品,且因應不同年齡層喜好與需求,產品多樣,產量亦增,故產品風險也相對提高。食品藥物管理署(下稱食藥署)持續規劃肉類加工食品及蛋製品製造業者食品衛生安全相關法規及自主管理輔導,自105年至110年,已輔導125家肉品製造業者及96家蛋製品製造業者,總計221家。輔導結果顯示,食品業者登錄及食品業者投保產品責任險符合率均達80%,而在追溯追蹤、食品良好衛生規範準則(Regulations on Good Hygiene Practice for Food, GHP)、食品安全管制系統準則(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, HACCP)之符合性,及衛生管理人員聘用尚須改善及強化管理。部分業者因欠缺即時更新法規相關資訊能力,故近年輔導對象多以中小型業者為主,經實地輔導,可提升符合率。由此結果顯現後續可將輔導資源持續挹注員工人數少、中小型規模或地處偏遠之業者,以提升肉類加工食品業及蛋製品製造業自主管理效益。


Livestock and poultry products are the daily necessities of our nation. The products in response to different age range and groups are diversifying day by day, and the production is increasing, as well the risk manufacturing. Ministry of health and welfare (MOHW) continually educated egg and meat manufacturing industries the regulations and managements of food safety and sanitation. A total of 125 meat and 96 egg manufactures received on-site training by MOHW in between 2016 and 2021. The compliance rate on "Registration of Food Business" and "Product liability insurance for Food Business" was reached more than 80% after training. However, there is still room for improvements on food traceability system, GHP, HACCP, and the requirement of Sanitation Control Personnel. In recent years, the on-site training was mainly provided into small and medium-sized businesses, due to their inabilities on updating food-related information such as laws and current affairs cases. All companies received onsite training did make great progress. MOWH will continue to invest resources in small and medium-sized businesses to promote the level of self-management of meat and egg manufacturing industry.
