  • 期刊


Investigation of the Sanitary Conditions of Poultry, Meat, Milk and Eggs Sold in Various Markets


為了瞭解市售禽、畜及奶蛋類食品之衛生品質,本研究自傳統市場、超市賣場及夜市等一般民眾最常選購日常食品的地點隨機購買,並增加熟食與即食類的食品採樣,以便了解其衛生條件是否符合食品衛生法規標準。分析281件即食食品檢體,結果發現所有檢體中生菌數在10^5 CFU/g(mL)以上者有148件(46.3%),而檢出病原菌則共計75件(23.4%),分離的病原菌包括金黃色葡萄球菌、仙人掌桿菌及沙門氏桿菌,大多從即食食品類別檢出,推測可能與即食食品廠家或業者加工人員的不良衛生習慣有所關聯。


The hygiene of various foods is closely related to the health of consumers because foods can act as vehicles of infectious diseases. To determine if the sanitary qualities of poultry, meat, milk, eggs and related products were in accordance with the standards of the Food Sanitation Law promulgated by the Food and Drug Administration of Taiwan (TFDA), we randomly selected various conventional markets, supermarkets and night markets shopped at by the general population and purchased samples of various foods regularly consumed by such shoppers from them, including hot and readyto- eat foods. We analyzed 281 reddy to eat food specimens and found that the aerobic plate counts for 148 of them (46.3%) were greater than 105 CFU/g(mL), while 75 of the specimens (23.4%) were found to contain food-borne pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Salmonella species. Most of the food-borne pathogens were isolated from the ready-to-eat foods. This may be related to the poor hygiene behaviors of food processing personnel employed in factories or stores.
