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The Comparison of Information Jobs Requirements and Core Competence of Information Management Departments




Since the popularity of higher education in Taiwan, there are more and more college graduates. However, graduates meet the situation of high unemployment and low salary when they find jobs. Many university students consider their studying in universities do not fit the requirements of recruiters. The numbers of graduates from information management departments are the largest in Taiwan, and they meet more serious situation of high unemployment and low salary. Previous studies found there was a cognitional gap of core competencies between academy and industry. This paper collected core competencies listed by information management departments in universities and caught contents of recruitment advertisings on human resource websites from March to August in 2012. We found the numbers of academic core competencies and industrial soft skills have low positively correlated with one another. We further found that professional skills and communication skills were all imported by academy and industry. However, criticize ability, social carefulness and international vision were imported by academy, but individual working experience, working attitude and foreign language were imported by industry. This study also found associations of core competencies between national and private universities and soft skills among technical jobs. The results provide suggestions for courses planning and recruitments of technical jobs.


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