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Exploring the determinants for the construction of international brands in Taiwanese cosmetic industry


本研究旨在運用層級分析法(AHP),探討臺灣化妝品業者如何突破全球化強勢品牌環伺的局面,有效建立具競爭優勢的國際品牌,以期在國內與全球市場中與先進品牌形成抗衡之勢。研究發現,決策構面中「知覺品質」權重最大,顯示臺灣化妝品業者欲建構國際競爭優勢,最攸關的策略方向是塑造國際消費者對自己化妝品的知覺品質。同時,「品牌知名度」構面中的決策因子「品牌經驗」,在單一構面內的權重(local weight)與在整體總評估的權重(global weight)排序都是第一,此研究發現顯示,臺灣化妝品業者在國際市場建構競爭優勢,最重要的工作是建立國際消費者良好的使用者經驗,以累積品牌知名度。另外,「其他專屬品牌資產」構面中的決策因子「建立實體專賣店」及「打造卓越的社群關係」,能使實體通路與虛擬社群產生覆蓋廣大的信任網絡,亦是現今國際市場中建立品牌的重要工作。


This study uses Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) to explore how Taiwanese cosmetic companies can effectively establish international brands with competitive advantages that are able to compete against global strong brands, and establish a powerful position in domestic and global market. The results of this study find that, "perceived quality" takes the highest weight among all decision dimensions, indicating that the most important strategic direction for Taiwanese cosmetic companies to construct international competitive advantages, are to establish the perceived quality of international consumers. Meanwhile, the determinant factor of "brand experience" in "brand awareness" dimension takes thehighest weight among local weight and global weight, this finding shows that, in order to build competitive advantages in international market for Taiwanese cosmetic company, the most important task is to build a good user experience for international consumers to accumulate brand awareness. In addition, the determinant factors of "establish a physical store" and "establish a great community relationship" in the "proprietary brand assets" dimension enable the entity channel and the virtual community to generate a vast network of trust, which are also crucial to establish international brand in global market nowadays.


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