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How to Construct Competitive Advantage in Taiwanese Graphic Writing Goods Industry


本研究運用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy process, AHP)探討圖文創作業者文創商品建構競爭優勢之關鍵決策因子。研究發現,「消費者心理需求」是最具關鍵性的決策構面,其次依序為「圖文創作商品特質」及「商業模式」,各構面間皆有些微差距,顯示圖文創作業者欲建構競爭優勢除了必須滿足消費者心理需求之外,亦需兼顧圖文創作商品特質與商業模式的建立。而消費者心理需求中最關鍵的決策因子是「自我形象投射」,此因子在單一構面內的權重(local weight),與在整體總評估的權重(global weight),排序都是第一,此研究發現,圖文創作業者文創商品建構競爭優勢,其消費者心理需求為主要關鍵驅力。


This research explores the key determinants of Language and Culture trader of Cultural and Creative product using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Research findings show that, among the five dimensions, "Consumer Psychological Need" is the most crucial decision dimension, which takes the highest weighting, while "Characteristic of Graphic Writing Goods" and "Business Model" take similar weighting slightly lower than the former. These findings indicate that, to gain competitiveness advantage, Characteristic of Graphic Writing Goods and Business Model are as well important. The most important decision factor of "Characteristic of Graphic Writing Goods" is "self-image projection", which takes the highest weighting in both local weight and in global weight. These results show that, the key determinants of Language and Culture trader of Cultural and Creative product is Consumer demand.


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