  • 學位論文


A Long-term Strategy Based on the Innovative Business Model for T Company in Taiwan Printing Industry.

指導教授 : 李宗政 楊文華


台灣地區印刷及其輔助產業之應用範圍,不僅著眼於文宣品印製,適用範疇更涵蓋服務單位、醫療診所、電腦軟體、食品加工、紡織等產業之各類型文件製備。本文研究個案T資訊用品公司,專精於公司行號資訊系統所需之各式表單、多聯單、型錄等各式印刷品之製備,T公司更以優異的產品品質,並信守顧客至上、服務第一的經營宗旨;因此,合作客戶皆具『印刷』加工產業之領導地位,且因專精於『製版、印刷、裝訂』技術之合作夥伴長期合作,顯示T公司在供應鏈管理整合上,與產銷一條龍的製紙印刷大廠不相上下。 但是,印刷及其輔助製造廠商經常面對內部多能工自立門戶後以低價惡性競爭,與雲端科技技術整合「無紙化」經營模式取代紙類印刷用品問題。因此,該如何為T公司自研擬創新經營模式中擘劃出迎戰下一個20年的長期戰略規劃,是為本文之研究目的。尤其是T公司採取小規模經營,能立即解決顧客需求之服務,為延續並穩固與客戶既有之合作關係,建議藉由導入產品服務化系統(Product Service System, PSS)理念與客戶建立長期互動關係,強調以雙方供應鏈的有效整合與管理,以顧客需求為出發點,考量顧客需求,據此針對不同顧客提供不同產品服務功能,加速服務效率,進而有效為顧客提供符合TQCS(交期短、品質高、成本低、服務佳)之服務目標,改變製造業不僅是製造業,而是為服務顧客導向之創新思維,無論顧客是印刷業者或印刷及其輔助製造業,本研究自PSS觀點為T公司建構「為顧客服務其消費者」之長期經營戰略,藉由整合供應鏈之競合思維,克服印刷及其輔助產業市場產品面對少紙化之發展趨勢。


In Taiwan, the printed and its derivative industries, not only focusing on printed advertising documents, and more scope to cover all types of document preparation for lots of different kinds of industries, e.g. service units, medical clinics, computer software, food processing, textiles, etc. In this paper, a case study “T Company”, the company could prepare the different varieties of documents for management information systems, catalogs and all kinds specializing printed materials. T Company has provided the outstanding product quality, and kept the customer first, that is, service is above everything else. Therefore, T Company has occupied a good position in the value chain of Taiwan printed industry and had lots of business partners, and then T Company could provide the “one-stop service” in printed business. However, the printed and its derivative industries, often face the challenges from internal multi-skill works quitted to have their own printed company with the vicious spiral by price-cutting. Furthermore, the printed companies also have to face another terrible challenge from the technology trend with the “paperless” working environment. In this study, considering the problems that have listed above, we designed an innovative business model for T Company to derive a long-term strategy for next decades. We had developed our own the Product Service System (PSS) approach to reorganize the relationships between T Company and its customers with the idea about how to service the clients of the customers and the customers of T Company simultaneously.


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