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The Marketing Mix of Cultural and Creative Industry: A Comparison of Huashan 1914 and Songshan Cultural and Creative Park


隨著各國政府在文化政策的發展上不遺餘力,文化創意產業成為各國國家政策與地方經濟的發展趨勢之一,行政院於2002 年「挑戰2008 國家重點發展計畫」,通過「文化創意產業發展計畫」,擴大文化創意產業產值,其中臺北華山1914 文創園區是臺灣五大文化創意園區之冠,亦是臺灣文化產業的旗艦基地,松山文創園區則是文化創意產業的原創基地。本研究透過個案研究及深度訪談消費者,針對華山和松山兩大文創園區進行7P行銷組合研究,包括產品、價格、通路、促銷、實體環境、人員及流程分析,期提供給目前經營者在營運管理時之參考,以利帶動園區的永續經營與地方產業的發展,進而促進前往園區的人潮,本研究具有高度的實務意涵,可提供國內文創產業發展之重要行銷策略參考。


With governments sparing no effort on the development of cultural policies, the Cultural and Creative Industry has become a strong trend for local and national economic policy. In 2002, the Administrative Yuan's "Challenge 2008-National Development Plan" passed the "cultural and creative industry development" plan in order to add value to the Cultural and Creative Industry. The Taipei Huashan 1914 tops the four others, and is also the head quarter of Taiwan's cultural and creative industry; the Shongshan cultural and creative park is the original base. The research conducted a case study and in-depth interview with customers aimed at uncovering two cultural and creative parks' 7Ps marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion, physical environment, personnel, and process). We hope that the results of the research can guide executives in their management practices, specifically towards sustainable management and the development of local industries. The present research has highly practical implications in that it can provide the domestic cultural and creative industry consultation in its marketing strategy.
