  • 學位論文


The Research on Management Model of Clusters in Cultural and Creative Industries-A Case Of the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

指導教授 : 劉立行


本研究以探討松山文創園區之營運管理模式為例,窺究產業群聚如何形成文創聚落,更進一步擴大研究文創園區的政策擬訂、規劃方向、營運績效、軟硬體調整與回應鄰里訴求等面向,以更加了解我國文化創意產業之發展。 文創聚落亦稱創意聚落(Creative Clusters),其聚落(Clusters)的關鍵概念係指發展中的產業,經濟利益是這個群聚現象的誘因,但也是促成文化創意產業蓬勃發展的基礎。再者,文化創意產業是文化、創意及產業的聚合體,文化是庶民生活的寫照,創意存在複製與再生的能力,產業除強調產值與獲利,更有發展永續經營模式的動機。準此,生成文化創意園區的平台,透過城市古蹟建物釋放與閒置空間活化,進而壯大文化的軟、硬實力。 本研究以深度訪談法進行,訪談包括管理單位台北市文化基金會成員、督導單位臺北市文化局之政府官員與文創學者。研究結果指出,松山文創園區的經營策略應著重原創人才之扶植、應朝向數位科技化園區方向邁進、應協調市府各局處以解決園區營運所衍生問題,更應透過落實「松菸創作者工廠」,達到文化創意產業人才培育與產值提升的效果。


Relying on the management model of the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, this study, through the in-depth interview with 5 professionals from the Taipei Culture Foundation and the Department of Cultural Affairs of Taipei City Government, seeks to examine the drive behind the phenomenon of the clusters in cultural and creative industries in Taiwan and to refine a new management model of the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park in the future, including policies, visions, performances, hardware, software, and responds to the neighborhood. Clusters in cultural and creative industries are also called creative clusters. The crucial concept of such clusters means developing industries, in which economic benefits are the core value. That is the fundamental component to make cultural and creative industries flourish and succeed. Cultural and creative industries are combination of culture, creativity, and industry. Culture is a series of activities of human life. Creativity empowers human beings to generate culture and create alternative creativity. Industry here is the expected collective and economic benefits derived from the interaction between culture and creativity. Cultural and creative parks, like industry given above, have the force to awake the vitality of the historical buildings, offering a playground for creative clusters to create a new “culture”. The result of the study shows that cultural and creative parks have the force to awake the vitality of the historical buildings, offering a playground for creative clusters to create a new “culture”. Therefore, four suggestions for the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park are offered: (a) to encourage more gifted people to participate the cultural and creative industries; (b) to promote digital hardware and software making a Technological Cultural and Creative Park; (c) to cooperate with the locals and the government to deal with the obstacles together; (d) to enforce the plan for a creator factory in which people with ideas can inter-empower human beings to generate culture and create alternative creativity, making more cultural and creative benefits.


