  • 期刊


Discussion on the influence of the change of the three-step layup concept on training and competition


運動的發展通常伴隨著規則的演變,其目的在於創造比賽的公平性、刺激性與可看性。籃球運動是國內熱門的運動項目之一,於國際上也是一項熱門運動。在2000年開始,國際籃球總會FIBA(International Basketball Federation, FIBA)基於實際比賽狀況的增加,於2000-2008年之間,多次修改規則,而隨著規則的修改,就會加速籃球運動技、戰術的發展演變。目的:探討FIBA在2017年修改的新制「帶球走」條文對球員的上籃腳步與比賽之影響。方法:本文透過文件分析法,探討2017年修改的新制「帶球走」條文對訓練與比賽之影響。結果:帶球走的規則修改,增加了「第0步」的概念,而第0步並不會出現在規則條文當中,此條文修改對於裁判、教練、球員都有極大的影響,其改變了過去的傳統觀念-兩步上籃,放寬了球員在行進間的腳步範圍,使進攻球員的進攻範圍擴大,而防守球員也必須因應改變防守腳步。從修改迄今,在訓練上與比賽時仍然有許多教練在探討腳步的認定。結論:建議中華民國籃球協會能夠於官方網站提供專業資料與拍攝爭議判係相關的影片材料,以增加裁判與教練的學習情境,除能促進台灣籃球裁判教育訓練,也能讓教練、球員與球迷建立統一的認知,對於比賽以及球員技術能有良好的影響。


帶球走 籃球規則 上籃腳步


The development of a sport is usually accompanied by the evolution of the rules, the purpose of which is to create fairness, excitement and visibility of the game. Basketball is one of the most popular sports in Taiwan, and it is also a popular sport internationally. Beginning in 2000, FIBA (International Basketball Federation, FIBA) based on the increase in the actual game situation, between 2000-2008,the rules are revised many times, and with the revision of the rules, the development and evolution of basketball skills and tactics will be accelerated. Purpose: In the revised rules and regulations adopted by FIBA in 2017, the definition of walking with the ball has been changed. The purpose of the revision is to establish a global consensus on walking violations. Method:Through document analysis, this article explores the impact of the new "walking with the ball" clause revised in 2017 on training and competition. Result:The revision of the rules for walking with the ball adds the concept of "step 0", and step 0 does not appear in the rules. The traditional concept -two-step layup, relaxes the range of the player's footsteps in the process, expands the offensive range of the offensive player, and the defensive player must also change the defensive footsteps accordingly. Since the revision so far, there are still many coaches discussing the identification of footsteps in training and competition. Conclusion:It is suggested that the Basketball Association of the Republic of China can provide professional information and film materials related to disputed judgments on the official website to increase the learning environment for referees and coaches. In addition to promoting the education and training of basketball referees in Taiwan, it can also help coaches, players and fans to establish unity The cognition of the game can have a good impact on the game and player skills.


walking with the ball basketball rules layup


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