  • 學位論文


Developing a Part-Change Assessing System with Two-Phase Approach for LCD Product

指導教授 : 王河星


在現今高度競爭的市場下,許多產品變化的速度非常快,因此在產品的生命週期中,免不了發生產品因為要更符合顧客之需求、技術之創新、產品品質之提升、使用壽命之延長等,造成產品零件變更(Product-Part-Change)頻繁。因為單一零件變更就會產生一連串周圍有組裝關係之零件的連鎖反應,更何況一產品乃為數眾多零組件之組合。如此一來零件變更所衍生出來的問題將會是非常的複雜。因此本研究的目的在於發展一套當產品零件變更發生時,除要求變更之零件品質在一定水準之上外,其變更零件之總成本為最低。下列所述兩階段的評估方式經由電腦運算後可得本計畫之目的並可當作產品零件變更之依據。其步驟為: 第一階段﹕篩選供應商以獲得成本較低,但也擁有不錯品質之零件,在此階段中應用價值工程(Value Engineering)的觀點配合模糊理論(Fuzzy Theory)來量化其參數值。第二階段﹕導入遺傳式演算法(Genetic Algorithm)求解最佳供應商之組合,利用其求解快速的優點來提升整體評估時的效率。 本研究以液晶顯示器 (Liquid Crystal Display;LCD)為研究對象,以MS Access 2003及結構化查詢語言(Structured Query Language;SQL)建構系統資料庫並以MS Visual Basic 6.0撰寫程式來完成上述兩階段之電腦運算並將整個系統加以整合達到相關資料即時瀏覽與變更資訊查詢之功能。


At present, the product life of the electronic product is becoming more and more short. Users always require the newer functions for this kind of product so the new types of product are introduced to the market constantly and the profit of the older-type products is to reduce rapidly. Hence, the focal point of this research is to develop a system for finding the optimal part-changes strategy with the minimum total cost and the quality parts. When the part-change demand is proposed, this system is performed automatically in the assessment system. There are two phases to find the optimal part-change solution for configuration management system. Phase 1: Applying the value engineering to select some parts with good qualification by using Fuzzy set theory from the database. Phase 2: Employ the Genetic Algorithm to develop the optimal part-change strategy. Base on this two-phase assessing approach, the system provides the solution of the optimal part-change strategy with the minimum total cost and the quality part.


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