  • 期刊


Japanese Employment and its Extended Problem of Working Discrimination and to Deal with this Problem


日本的差別待遇相關議題於1998 年中產階級瓦解成為話題時才開始受到討論與關注。近十年,差別待遇產生各式各樣的社會問題,其中,就以年輕人的僱用問題最為嚴重。職場的差別待遇若是過大的話,易讓勞工難以維持最基本的生活水準,而此現象正發生在現今的日本年輕人身上。特別是經歷過就業冰河期的年輕人,一但經歷過非典型僱用・失業・無工作收入的話,陷入窮困窘境的機率就相對提高許多。年輕人在無法自立的情況下,政府往後將付出更龐大的社會成本處理年輕人就業問題。因此,本論文主要針定年輕人的非典型僱用所引起的差別待遇問題加以探討,並且探討日本政府所提出的改善政策和解決措施。


This study focuses on the research of atypical employment and its extended problem of working discrimination in Japanese entry-level workers. This study also provides improved policies and recommendations for this issue based on the research.The issue of Japanese social deference treatment has been noticed and criticized since 1998 when the middle-class collapsed. In recent decades, deference treatment has caused many problems. The most severe issue is the unemployed situation of the young people. However, deference treatment may be a necessary factor to maintain smooth operation in the labor market. It is hard to maintain basic living standards if the discrimination gap continues to get larger. This situation is what young people, especially to those suffering from ”employment ice age,” are facing nowadays. They experience unemployment after atypical employment, which will lead to no income. The chance of falling into a life struggle has increased dramatically.Furthermore, the actions of terminating contracted employment, cancelling hired notice for fresh graduated students, denying the job application of graduated students and unemployed young people makes the problem of treatment more serious in this year. If the government can not provide effective and appropriated policies to solve this unsteady employment market, the living standard of entry-level workers will go down. If young people can not make a living independently, the government will have to pay more social costs and use more resources to deal with this problem.
