  • 期刊


Harmless Modified Innovation Wheelchair




改良式輪椅 尿袋 U型肩架


There are many bedridden, disabled, or dementia-suffering elderly, as well as those in the mental and physical disability populations, who are mobility impaired. These people must often use wheelchairs to maintain daily activity, making wheelchairs necessary long-term assistive devices. However, when using a wheelchair to move, the elderly, disabled or others with mobility problems may slip out of the chair because of physical weakness, which can easily lead to injury. Secondly, the modern configuration of wheelchairs includes no place for urine catheter bags and their calf support functions, often resulting in caregivers putting the bag on the leg of the case or tying it to the calf, which can easily lead to retrograde urinary tract infections. The Innovation Wheelchair is designed for the bedridden elderly or otherwise disabled to decrease caregiver distress when using a wheelchair, and increase their mobility and quality of life. This Innovation Wheelchair improves on the traditional brake wheelchair to reduce elderly and frail patients' slipping over or leaning forward. This novel invention includes U-shaped pads with seat belts on both shoulders for better stability. Also, the quality of the material ensures that it will not chafe or irritate the skin. The wheelchair is designed with an additional J-shaped metal frame on which to place a urine catheter bag, and we've created a comfortable calf compartment to prevent the leg falling backwards.


Liang, C. H. (2011). 具低阻抗及強耦合之改良微帶線及被動元件之應用 [doctoral dissertation, National Chiao Tung University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2011.00479
